Sunday, 13 February 2011

Moving Out Day 5: The war is over!

Ok so Friday Dad helped me move the bed and all the other heavy stuff and on Saturday we put everything in it's place and also put the bed together.

Today I get to stay here for the first night...the air con is on low...I'm just too hot...take that how you will.

I do love my desk set-up, I can still watch movies in bed but need to turn the monitor around and lay down across the bed...maybe a bit annoying but doable.

The double bed is here and looks so fact I think it's nearly bed time now; though maybe not as now I have a proper bedside table with a lamp so now I can read in bed more easily. I like this a lot!

Nothing interesting here, I'm just using my blog to keep the pics and also not have to email the pics to Mum :P

My makeshift dirty clothes basket and some of the built-in.

More built-in, love having a proper wardrobe and also only having some clothes in it...not everything under the sun.

Wardrobe and makeshift bin.

If anyone says you should move...don't! It's a trap, well it's probably not but it is probably your parents wanting you to REALLY clean your room.

Well I'm sure everyone found this as enthralling as I did so go have a drink and chill know the rest.

You win! I ROCK!
Good night Seattle.

Posted via email from jww://

Moving Out Day 4: Operation Room Clean

Day four, which was yesterday, shows how much emptier the room now is. Though these pics were taken Friday night once I had done enough for the day.

The bed is now in the spare room and I now have the double bed that was in there...this pleases me greatly.

I also had to dust those bags that were under the bed using a vacuum cleaner...LOTS OF DUST!

Big thanks to Mum and Dad for all their help, though there's still a bit I need to do. Dad helped me move the side table from the spare room, my new desk which used to be theirs and the double bed to my new place Friday night as well. Made a huge difference.

Will be posting the pics of the new room now.

You win! I ROCK!
Good night Seattle.

Posted via email from jww://

Friday, 11 February 2011

Moving Out Day 3: Operation Room Clean

OK so it's still Operation Room Clean or Dust-it Storm if you're that way inclined.

The floor had way too much crap and lots of it is now out in the lounge room in bags.

You can see it's somewhat better today.

You can also see I still have the tutu from the Waterbottle ballet. Needless to say, it does not still fit. This will change!

Notice how there's a wardrobe on the left and a dresser in front? Yeah, they're full of crap!

Well, back to know the drill.

You win! I ROCK!
Good night Seattle.

Posted via email from jww://

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Moving Out Day 2: Operation Room Clean

You can see the book shelf is significantly better as is the pile in front of the filing cabinet.

I removed the XBOX right before this pic so it doesn't completely show how much I cleaned out yesterday but I ended up shredding about 3 big bags worth of documents. I might take a pic of those later if I can be bothered. 

Well back to it...I should have called this Operation Dust Storm but I wasn't thinking.

You win! I ROCK!
Good night Seattle.

Posted via email from jww://

Moving Out Day 1: Operation Room Clean

These are from yesterday. I decided to post these to mah blog so I can keep track of my progress.

You win! I ROCK!
Good night Seattle.

Posted via email from jww://